08 June 2013

crying exercise

i am a certified personal trainer.
i love to be active and exercise
working out is also my most constructive beneficial way i have of dealing with stress
yesterday i went to the gym planning on working out some of my emotions on the weights
i knew the exercise would be therapeutic for me
went into the basketball court for my usual warm up
sat on the ground
got my jump rope out of my bag

and completely lost it...

i broke down
curled up
hiding in a corner of the gym
sobbing uncontrollably

this gym was where i got my first job as a trainer and a month later met d.
it was where we had worked and sweated and made plans together
it was where our relationship had started
and in this moment it was where i could no longer fight back or ignore the feeling that my relationship with her was ended

i cried
and i cried
and i cried
and i cried until there was a long enough pause between sobs to text my best-friend 
he answered my distress call and rushed over to the gym to be with me and support me
and i cried with him sitting there next to me on the dusty floor of the court
and i cried
and i cried

the only exercise i got at the gym that day was crying


  1. Dear P~
    Thank you for sharing your thoughts!!! I am so sorry things were so hard for you today. Yet, I am also so glad you let your emotions flow! That's beautiful and you reached out!! Awesome! It is my personal opinion that as addicts we try to use "distractions" to help us overcome our addiction. I know that last night as I broke down to my husband I did better. I loved myself better, I humble myself more, I turned to God more. Let your emotions flow. Don't let them build up. And have an amazing day! -There is No other way blog (Rachel)

    p.s. love your blog. thanks for all you share.

    1. Thanks for the comment and support Rachel! I really appreciate it.
      I have a problem with controlling my feelings... but as i think about it, who doesnt?
      I recognize that i used my addiction to control those feelings and now that im going through recovery its a trial and error to find a healthy way to control those feelings, to increase my own innate ability to control my feelings.
      Crying isn't my favorite way of "controlling" my feelings haha but id have to agree with you how important it is to face and express feelings and not try to escape from or eliminate those feelings

  2. I just found your blog. I love your honesty. I'm sorry for the recent hardships in your life! Heartbreak is extremely difficult. :(

    keep the faith!

    1. thanks for the support Stephanie! it is tough, but i'm trying to use it as just another hardship to motivate me draw me closer to the savior... guess im one of the need to be "compelled to be humble" kind of guys
