07 July 2013

Fight The New Drug

was feeling a little BLASTD today (really just bored and lonely) and have spent the last hour cleaning my room, doing my laundry and reading recovery blogs.

proactivity is the best way to overcome the urges because if you wait to react, it means you're already being acted upon you.

i do want to just say thank you to all of you who write and are open and honest in your struggles and share your victories and your failures and how motivating your stories are for me to continue my fight in this war. during my readings i came across a website Fight The New Drug.

on their homepage they had this intro video:

loved it. the website has a blog and other content about fighting this new drug that im excited to read. i also kind of really like that its not a religious website because it helps to open up my perspective that this drug that is pornography affects a lot more aspects of our lives than just our spirituality and affects a lot more people than just us in the church of Jesus Christ of latter day saints. one of the things i really liked was there was this pledge you can sign and it echoed a lot of the values i have. you can find it on the website but i wanted to share it here.

I AM STRONG I have joined an army of supporters and will rely on their strength as well as my own to adopt a new shouldering of obligation in helping others understand how pornography is affecting their lives.
I AM OPEN MINDED I recognize that mine is not the only opinion. I will respect other's points of views just as i expect them to do the same towards me.
I AM BOLD I am not afraid to speak openly about the effects of pornography. 
I AM ENCOURAGING I will not turn my back on those that need my help. I will commit to helping them overcome the effects of pornography. 
I AM UNDERSTANDING I am away of the difficulty some may face ridding their lives of pornography. Rather than condemning actions I will help relieve shame. 
I AM REAL I do not pursue false imitations or masked presentations. I am confident enough in myself to be genuine. 
I AM ACCEPTING I know that judging other's actions is not my place. I will respectfully promote my opinions but in the end allow others to choose for themselves. 
I AM A TRUE LOVER I seek real relationships and shun their hollow counterfeits. 
I AM REBEL I refuse to follow the status quo. I will do what needs to be done and say what needs to be said regardless of what is popular. 
I AM SEXY There is nothing more sexy than two committed individuals together. I will not be that lone ranger looking for love from behind the computer screen.

we're all in this together! we are never alone! our efforts to be in recovery from this addiction in our own lives and our efforts to help others fight this new drug CAN and DOES make a difference. 

there is no wasted effort in this fight against pornography.


  1. FTND is awesome! I am a member of my local UVU chapter and actually spoke at a function they held last semester. It's awesome. I can't wait to be more involved this fall.

    We ARE in this together!

    Ok now I'm singing "When We Stand Together" by Nickelback:-)

    1. haha i wondered if there was already a university chapter. i might have to join up too!

    2. Awesome! We need more members. That would be great! You might join this as well...

